Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Convicted Pedo Plugs

Can't make this up.

Early September Gage teamed up with an ex-Marine "patriot" to help promote, the latest AEtruth scam.   Promoted on the website of Christopher Cantwell, who proudly claims to be a "Anarchist, Atheist, Asshole"
while promoting libertard easy/free money schemes like "Suns of Liberty Mint" ads.    So it's no surprise  he's giving Box Boy latest con face time:

Engineer and Former Marine, John Di Natale Talks to Chris Cantwell About 9/11
by Christopher Cantwell •  •
More videos by Gage's channel:

ReThink911 | September 11, 2013 - NYC Times Square | John Di Natale
  • by ReThink911
  • 2 months ago
(NYC, September 11, 2013) U.S. Marine, Gulf war veteran and multiple-degree engineer John Di Natale speaks in Times Square ...
Problem:  DiNatale is almost certainly a fraud.  If he was a Marine, the medal spam is likely a fake collection for show:

We'll leave it to more experienced veterans to reconstruct this.  Shooting from the hip, this medal spam looks strange on fatigues
He probably wanted to look like a tough hombre, if his Teabagger "From The Trenches" website is an indication.(Or maybe buying fatigues is cheaper than a dress uniform)  At his site the reader with discover all sorts of energy saving scams :

Free Energy!
DIY Water Filters!
Militia Fun!
Liberty Gold!
More Post Collapse Militia Fun!
And Maybe Alien Contact!
and  Doom and Bloom(not making that up)

Conspiracy militia survival wacko....check.  Not a complete surprise. 

Conviction for sex with a minor is.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Sexual Offender / Predator Flyer
Date Of Photo: 01/26/2009
Click Here to Track this Offender
Designation: Sexual Offender
Status: Released - Required to Register
Department of Corrections #: Not Available
Search the Dept of Corrections Website
Date of Birth: 06/21/1963
Race : White
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
DINATALE is registered as a Sexual Offender.
Positive identification cannot be established unless a fingerprint comparison is made.
Scars, Marks & Tattoos
Information temporarily unavailable
Address Information
Address Address Source Information Map Link
Out of State
Sayreville, NJ 08859
Middle Sex COUNTY
Source: Registration
Received: 01/26/2009
Type of Address: Permanent
Address not mappable
Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
Adjudication Date Crime Description Court Case Number Jurisdiction & State Adjudication
Victim Information
Gender:Female  Minor:Yes

One would think given the legion of brainwashed Gage dupes into "researching" his schemes, one of the drones would be tasked with checking the backgrounds of speakers.   

Or is it more sleazy than that?  Does Gage think DiNatale is perfect because his record can be used as blackmail?    That's kinda failed since anyone can find it....

Did Gage know?  What will Gage do now  he does?

Discovery of DiNatale Criminal Record credited to JREF's cjnewson88.

Monday, July 22, 2013

911Blogger Arch-nemisis Wtcdemo plugs

Strange because the same people running 911blogger are involved with's parent group AE911truth.

Most of plugging is on Facebook, where the webmaster/owner of operating out of Harvard University) writes:

WTC7 and the Rethink 9/11 Campaign: Coming to a City Near You in September 2013

July 7, 2013 at 2:00pm
As you may or may not already be aware, a campaign is underway to raise awareness of the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, aka the Salomon Brothers building, on the afternoon of September 11, 2001.

The building's collapse, in a manner indistinguishable from a controlled demolition using explosives, was for many of us the first clear indication that the conventional account of the 9/11 attacks was not entirely true. It is an aspect of the 9/11 crimes that can be studied objectively and dispassionately through the lens of science, and therefore makes an excellent starting point for public re-examination of the defining event of the new century.

In spite of its significance, many people still have never even heard of its existence, let alone its role in a singularly obvious demonstration of deliberate deception by those in charge of the government's investigation. The Rethink 9/11 campaign, with which I'm not affiliated except as a financial supporter, seeks to bring WTC7 firmly into the public consciousness as the best, most representative example of the problems that 9/11 skeptics, often pejoratively referred to as 'truthers', have with the conventional understanding of the events of 9/11.

Please consider donating to the campaign in the city of your choice or to the general campaign. I've also included links to highly recommended material that puts forth the case for re-investigating WTC7 in quick (Chandler) and more in depth (Griffin) form. I hope you can find the time to familiarize yourselves with the main issues of contention should the Rethink 9/11 campaign have the desired effect of provoking much needed public discussion, when sound, reasoned voices will be both effective and necessary!

California high school physics teacher and Quaker peace activist David Chandler's analysis of his contribution to the NIST draft report on WTC7 public comment session, which exposed a clear attempt at covering up the free fall of the building by the investigation's lead engineer John Gross:

Prof. David Ray Griffin's book on the collapse of WTC7, highly recommended, thorough, detailed account of the collapse of WTC7, and the official and unofficial investigations surrounding it:

Official website for the Rethink 9/11 September 2013 WTC7 awareness campaign:

This this came a week after 9/11blogger announced the global rethink911 campaign:

And a couple of days after 911blogger owner Justin Keogh comments:

Drive by billboards

I see the drive-by billboard @ is less complex. Looks good.
With the the walk-by example above, people have time to read it, so my suggestions to make it more simple seem less useful the more I think about it.
Great project.

What Espada has to say about Keogh:

Keogh, Justin
Moderator/owner(?) of, flagship fake truth site.
Then an "anonymous" user, probably Espada himself, confirms what he probably already knew:

Both owner and moderator

These shenanigans only show that Espada, like many of his fellow twoofers can't keep their stories straight, because on his own website, two years earlier, he has Keogh as owner and dirrector if 911blogger, making his pretense not to know odd:
Meet the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss: 911Blogger's new gatekeeper is on the board of A&E911Truth
So, how many people know that the new Gatekeeper-In-Chief of 911Blogger, Justin Keogh, is also on the board of directors of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth? Weird, huh? Especially considering that the LIHOP-esque gatekeeping that 911Blogger became notorious for under Represensor doesn't seem to have radically changed under Justin Keogh. Certain favored LIHOPper bloggers, like Jon Gold and John A are treated with kid gloves and given free passes to violate the site rules of civility and such, while their opponents are still often banned without adequate explanation. The most ridiculous and irrelevant LIHOPpy type of blog entries are often placed on the front page or the "news" section, while blog entries that run counter to the LIHOP gang's artificial (and unpopular in relation to the overall truth movement) consensus beliefs are relegated to the less read blog section.
To get a revealing look at Justin Keogh's thinking and attitude, check out this email exchange between Craig Ranke of CIT and Justin, in which Craig requests to be unbanned on 911Blogger. Reminiscent of Represensor, Justin Keogh flat out refuses to provide a justification for Craig's banning and for refusing Craigs reasonable request to be allowed to return to the discussion forum in which CIT's evidence and theories are frequently discussed on 911Blogger.
This is despite the fact that the founder of A&E for 9/11 Truth Richard Gage has endorsed CIT's latest presentation, National Security Alert. 

Espada comments in the thread and doesn't dispute the information:

please don't post stupid crap like what I just deleted.

really--if there's one thing that will make a person unwelcome here is provocateurish behavior.
Whatever it was it indicates Espada doesn't think the information about Keogh is "stupid crap".    Espada's description of Keogh's conspiracy website is not flattering:   
9/11 Blogger (warning:heavily infiltrated by fake truthers)

This tin foil paranoia is the title of the website newsfeed of 911blogger they embedded in their website.  Advertising and linking to a website supposedly full of "shills" ad "agents" makes no sense, unless it's in the wtcd site to boost 911blogger's page rank.

 A telling link is this one promoting the to rename a wireless router, sure to get Homeland Security to notice people who can then claim to be oppressed:

Creative Truthing

If you have a smart phone, broadcast a WiFi connection with a name that makes people think of 9/11 truth.  When the other patrons at Starbucks go to connect to the free WiFi, they will know that there are truthers everywhere!  Be sure to password protect it lest they connect and start downloading back issues of Inspire magazine...  Keep it on even if you're not using it, but be aware that it may cause your battery to drain a bit faster than normal. 

 But the strangest thing about this website promoting a joint Richard Gage/Justin Keogh project is they promoted 2008 by an anonymous user signing as Petros Evdokas, or mirroring his work:

This is a good time
This juncture now should bring again to mind the need to improve this site,
with the following:
- clarify its editorial policy;
- state the goals being served by the website clearly;
- state clearly the methods by which those goals are to be achieved;
- clarify in plain words its relationship (stance) toward some of the major themes, organizations and trends within the 9/11 Truth movement.
- add a page titled "About Us", or something like it, that would include a short history of the website, its founders and main contributors, and the path of its development.
This is a good time - some spiritually minded people might call it the "acceptable year of the Lord" - to take care of these things.
Why clarify the editorial policy?
Even though some introductory remarks at the top of the front page (the blog homepage) state some intentions, it is clear that the major contributors here are oriented in other directions. Also, even though editorial decisions and actions are taken, they are not openly acknowledged.
The degree to which this happens here is minor, in comparison to other Truth movement nodes, but there's no reason we can't improve, and no reason to be complacent with lack of transparency or inconsistency.
My experience so far has been that when these happen on this website they are due to well-intentioned mistakes and mistaken policies, lack of experience with open publishing in the realm of politics, and with some unexamined inner personal dynamics. All these can easily be cleared with an open heart and good conversation. So far, evil intentions and malevolence have been absent from the management of the
But we are involved here within the public arena, within the realm of politics, indeed, with the biggest, most burning issue of September 11 which is a pivot around which the US Peace and Justice movement revolves (and/or remains paralyzed), while huge numbers of people around the globe are getting butchered because of it. The nature of these realities calls upon us to be more responsible in what we do and say - editorial direction and visible, transparent editorial process is essential to retaining the community of this website within the fold of the liberation process.
It was written here (on another page):
"...there is very little by way of an editorial policy here. this is not a site for diplomats or politicians--it is for freethinkers, humanists, idealists, visionaries, freedom fighters, hopeless romantics, iconoclasts, and yogis. it reflects the insanity of the times in which we live, yes. it is a safe space for those who desire frank discussion of difficult topics in good faith. there are no ads, no endorsements, no dues, no meetings, and sometimes I'm sure no readers! It's not a club, or a political party, or any other kind of association."
There's good intentions running through the above statement, but the truth is a little more complicated:
1. There IS an editorial activity here and it should be made more obvious to readers and writers. This will build more trust among us. I'd be happy to help with it, but more volunteers will be needed.
2. Unfortunately, the gentle and playful spirit in the quote above is essential but not sufficient to deal with the work of open publishing on 9/11. Most people who are "active" online around 9/11 Truth - and even more so, those who are active within our communities, in person, offline - need more cohesiveness and community building than is generally acknowledged. Good editorial policies in the flexible age of internet's open publishing technologies are essential approaches to building good community.
As far as I know, there are no other online venues at the moment within the Truth movement with the potential to serve the community - but this potential needs to be cultivated to take root. And if the network of people who are congealing around this website don't do it, who will?
Why state the goals being served by the website?
It's always fair and good to accept at face value the self-expressed words and claims that a person, an organization, or a publication uses to describe themselves. But what if after a while those words seem to be only the surface of a deeper situation?
The same applies to this website. The words posted right at the beginning, on the top banner of the homepage, create a rather inviting and all-embracing approach. But as we read on, we find that some of the main contributors here have other goals which are not stated openly at the beginning. Those become more apparent by where and how emotional emphasis is invested on some issues, perceptions, ideologies.
For example:
Some regular contributors here are motivated by the goal to "liberate"
the Unites States from what they perceive is a financial, military, political and cultural domination by Israel. If that is a goal of the website, it should be clearly stated at the beginning, so that visitors and writers here know what we are participating in. If that is not a goal, then it should be stated clearly by the editors/managers of the site. The amount of material on this website which reflects the above mentioned political goal is so much, that the editorial team has no other option but to state a position on it.
It may choose to avoid the responsibility of taking a position on it, but the reality of that political ideology will continue to determine everything here, whether stated or unstated.
Another example:
Some regular contributors here often write as if it is a "given" that blind and cartoonish versions of anti-communism, red-baiting and red-bashing injected here directly imported from the McCarthy era are the "normal", acceptable, commonly perceived ideology of "everyone". If that is the ideology of those who operate this website, it should be stated clearly. If it is not, then it should be stated clearly by the editors/managers of the site. The amount of material on this website which reflects the above mentioned political position is so much, that the editorial team has no other option but to state its position on it.
It may choose to avoid the responsibility of taking a position on it, but the reality of that political ideology will continue to determine everything here, whether stated or unstated.
Of course, Truthers who find it so easy to ridicule others for accepting the Official version of 911 ("but I formed my opinion by watching Corporate Television") are accountable for their politics on other things, as well. Oh, you were able to "free your mind" about September 11 and that somehow gave you confirmation that everything you thought you knew about Socialism which you learned from Corporate Television, from Hollywood, from the US educational system and other forms of social indoctrination ...have always been correct?
Back to the goals: at least in regard to September 11 and the Truth on 9/11, what do we want?
Some people want a new investigation to be carried out by the US ruling class or US Government; some Truthers want Court trials; some want Court-martials. Some Truthers want new candidates to be elected who can change things - but what changes do we want to see in our society? Some Truthers want very sweeping reforms of the US political system; some
want reforms in wider areas like the economy, education, healthcare, immigration policy, the electoral system; some Truthers want a radical change at the very root of society, a transformation of the very foundations of social, political, economic structure and of all human relations within it. Others go even further and want to see the whole of the US Empire toppled, or even further, recognizing that the Empire is no longer an "all American" construct but a global system of interpenetrating financial, industrial, military and political interests, some Truthers want to see all of Imperium subverted and
replaced by a global peoples' democracy. All of the above spring directly from 9/11 Truth, depending how Truthers see and feel it: which of these goals (or others) are embraced by the operators of this website?
Why state the methods by which those goals are to be achieved?
There are endless variations of possible and feasible action within the realm of politics. There's elections, debates, journalism, publishing, there's community organizing, educational campaigns, boycotts, rallies and marches, protest gatherings. There's civil disobedience, direct action, labour strikes, occupations, street fighting, passive resistance, militant pacifism, armed struggle. Both reformist and revolutionary campaigns utilize all of the above.
Which of these methods are embraced by the editors and managers of this website?
There is constant commentary here by the regular community of participants at on every type of political methods being applied by various other activists, organizations and movements. But the point of view from which those are being addressed is not stated.
For example, some of us rightly support and embrace the armed resistance that was heroically put up against Israel by the people of Lebanon, and we also have the clarity to recognize that the moral and political leadership of that resistance, Hezbollah, needs to improve on its ideology and practices regarding gender politics, sexual liberation
and class politics. Its open hostility to gay people and its negative stance toward emancipated women and Socialists are less toxic than that of fundamentalist reactionary forces in Iran or the Talibans, but it needs to be seen in a clear light.
The same applies to the Iraqi Resistance. Regardless of whether the 9/11 Truth movement or the US Peace movement ever get their shit together or not, the Iraqi Resistance is real, it is an actual force active in the world right now, and it's going to win the war. Which elements of that victory do we support?
What exactly are the points of departure from which we critique other people's resistance to US Imperialism, Israeli Zionism, racism, sexism and homophobia within the US? What exactly is our point of departure for our own resistance to US Imperialism, Israeli Zionism, racism, sexism and homophobia? If we want our bonds with domestic and foreign
friends and allies of this website to be genuine, we need to take our politics with genuine responsibility as well.
Why clarify the relationship (stance) toward the major themes, organizations and trends within the 9/11 Truth movement?
If it's not clear from the title, this should clarify it: beams from outer space; UFO action against the Twin Towers; no planes at the World Trade Center; no planes at the Pentagon; no plane (or too many planes) in Pennsylvania; validity of physical evidence for the investigations; validity of circumstantial evidence; role of foreign Governments; role of domestic and foreign agents of the ruling class; role of the US Government; the role of George Bush ...all these and more are concepts, claims and issues begging to be reckoned with.
If the website is to better serve the wider 9/11 Truth community it needs to state in plain words (not just ironic or satyrical statements)what its positions are. They don't have to be perfect or eternal positions. But they need to be stated and easily accessible in order to help as a "reality check", and as a marker of progress. Above all such a set of clarifying statements has medicinal and morale-boosting value for all Truthers, even for those who might disagree - clarity, per se, is always of great value.
Why add a page titled "About Us"?
...or something like it?
A page like that should have a short history of the website, information about its founders and main contributors, and the path of its development. Also a Statement of Values and Principles - here's an excellent example of one:
It would also have links to pages with the Editorial Policy, the Goals and Methods embraced by the website management, and to a write up on its Relationship to various 9/11 Truth realities, issues, etc.
A page titled "About Us" is an immediate orientation tool that's very handy for new and old visitors to any website. Every site that respects its visitors and friends makes an effort to have something like it.
It also provides a challenge to its authors, something like a contract with our friends and visitors that includes a code of ethics and guidelines by which we pledge to operate.
* * *
The current juncture, during which mass expulsions of Truthers are taking place on other websites and campaigns of harassment and stalking are being aimed at some of us, is a good time to actualizing all of the above.
I'd be happy to help out with this work. Please write to me about it.
Petros Evdokas
Comments imply "anonymous" is Evdokas and is known to users.   Meaning the website appears to be a group branding effort of Richard Gage and Petros Evdokas, promoted by Justin Keogh and Gus Espada.

Domain information doesn't make it clearer:

Domain Name: RETHINK911.ORG
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2013-04-12 18:08:32
Creation Date: 2013-04-12 18:08:31
Registrar Expiration Date: 2014-04-12 18:08:31
Registrar:, LLC
Registrant Name: Registration Private
Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Registrant Street:
Registrant Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Registrant City: Scottsdale
Registrant State/Province: Arizona
Registrant Postal Code: 85260
Registrant Country: United States
Admin Name: Registration Private
Admin Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Admin Street:
Admin Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Admin City: Scottsdale
Admin State/Province: Arizona
Admin Postal Code: 85260
Admin Country: United States
Admin Phone: (480) 624-2599
Admin Fax: (480) 624-2598
Admin Email:
Tech Name: Registration Private
Tech Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Tech Street:
Tech Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Tech City: Scottsdale
Tech State/Province: Arizona
Tech Postal Code: 85260
Tech Country: United States
Tech Phone: (480) 624-2599
Tech Fax: (480) 624-2598
Tech Email:

But this is baloney.     An earlier record shows Richard Gage bought the domain:

Domain Name: RETHINK911.ORG
Created on: 12-Apr-13
Expires on: 12-Apr-14
Last Updated on: 12-Apr-13

richard gage
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, ste 370
lafayette, California 94549
United States

Administrative Contact:
gage, richard
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, ste 370
lafayette, California 94549
United States

Technical Contact:
gage, richard
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, ste 370
lafayette, California 94549
United States

Domain servers in listed order:

It's not clear if Evdokas owned it before, but it's likely. And he sold/transferred it to Gage.   Looks like a joint effort of twoof between 911blogger, wtcdemolition/Harvard and AE911truth to fleece the rubes.

Whodda thought.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rethink911 Facebook Live!

Oh boy.    Where a herd of 74 marks like the first post:
Check it out, and share the picture... this September, the questions will be asked, and the evidence will be seen!Like · · Share · June 24

74 people like this.
 And some peeps are willing to die for the cause:

Calvin Raven Eagle Better to DIE for the TRUTH than LIVE for a LIE... ANYDAY..
June 26 at 9:05pm · Like · 2
Ooookaaay...except it's not the "truth".  It's a con.   Hope that works out for Cal.

The new scam is well on it's way to fleece a new batch of sheeple....

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rethink Giving More Money To Gage

The website is up an running and, predictably, asking for donations:

Minor amusment can be found reading the copyright notice:

 © 2013 | All rigths reserved.

 Don't know what "rigths" are, but expect them to be defended vigorously by Gun nut over misinterpretations of the Second Amendment.

The city links are a massive invasion of the Fundly platform:


Fundly is a crowdfunding site for online fundraising of all sizes. Fundly makes it easy for non-profits, charities, politics, clubs, schools, teams, churches, and many other causes to quickly raise money online from friends, family, colleagues, donors, and other supporters via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and social media networks.

So far these Fundly accounts are connected to AETruth/Rethink911, presumably set up by Gage and crew:

Choose Your City

Fundly might not take kindly to being used as a platform for a conspiracy scam.

They have a twitter feed:

and of course Facebook:

Though nothing's there yet......

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Richard Gage registers

AE911Truthiness has a new fake non profit to swindle the gullible:   

Gage registered the domain on April 12th:

Domain Name: RETHINK911.ORG
Created on: 12-Apr-13
Expires on: 12-Apr-14
Last Updated on: 12-Apr-13

richard gage
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, ste 370
lafayette, California 94549
United States

Administrative Contact:
gage, richard
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, ste 370
lafayette, California 94549
United States

Technical Contact:
gage, richard
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, ste 370
lafayette, California 94549
United States

Domain servers in listed order:

 Wackiness to ensue....